

We make improvements to your product photographs in order to highlight their characteristics, correct possible imperfections or make them look more attractive.

Our levels by complexity

Within each touch-up there are different levels of complexity.
These levels are determined by the time complexity defined by our team of retouchers.








Clipping path / Special Clipping path

Clipping path is the basis of retouching; by precisely cutting out and isolating the elements, you can obtain the perfect product image. We clipping from the simplest shapes to the most complex ones, to later work with them.

– We very precisely select an object from an image to cut out the background.

– We add the background or introduce the element in another design with the photograph already clipped.

extra simple clipping
simple clipping
normal clipping
complex clipping
extra complex clipping

Product mask

The product mask becomes your best ally when working on an image. We isolate the elements of your photos to work with precision and efficiency without compromising their naturalness.

– We separate products with complex profiles from the background.

– We combine different photos into one without affecting the original photo.

simple clipping
normal clipping
complex clipping
extra complex clipping

Product cleaning

LImperfections should not tarnish the image of your products. We remove dirt, scratches and other damages, preserving its total naturalness, so that your product becomes the clear protagonist.

– General cleaning touch-up.

– We eliminate any imperfection or visual distraction.

simple clipping
normal clipping
complex clipping
extra complex clipping


Don’t let defects in shapes affect the presentation of your product. We interpret the naturalness of the product, correcting any visual obstacles and adapting the shape of the elements for an impeccable finish.

We perfect the shapes of products or a specific area of ​​a photograph.

We beautify the entire image.

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette

Product wrinkle removal

Without enough time to have your perfect items? Forget about unwanted wrinkles and make your products look perfectly smooth.

– We eliminate wrinkles generated by folds in any type of article.

– We do not alter its original appearance drastically

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette

Recreated shadow

A product image without a shadow is an incomplete image. We create absent shadows, we remake irregular or unrealistic shadows; everything necessary so that the shadows in your products project a natural and professional image.

– We create a digital shadow that adapts to the piece.

– We provide depth, volume and realism.

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette

preserved shadow

Do you want to preserve the natural qualities in your shadows? We interpret the naturalness of the shadows, preserve and correct the natural shadow of the product.

We silhouette the original shadow of the product.

– We preserve the original characteristics of the shadows in the final image.

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette

Color change

To optimize your shooting processes, color change is the ideal solution. We are in charge of adjusting new shades to your range of products so that you speed up this tedious process and save time in your sessions.

We clean and expand the background.

– We touch up the line of the wall.

– We make corrections or adjustments by area.

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette
extra complex silhouette

Color correction

Don’t let color imperfections ruin your products. Thanks to color correction we can adjust tones uniformly, representing your objects in a realistic and reliable way.

– We adjust incorrect tones and unwanted color dominants.

– Fixed white balance issues.

simple silhouette
complex silhouette

Product reflection retouching

Taking care of reflections is essential to achieve a sophisticated, natural and quality final product image. We retouch and enhance natural reflections, adjusting aspects that can be improved and maintaining their essence.

– We create a digital shadow that adapts to the piece.

– We provide depth, volume and realism.

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette

Product reflection

By carefully recreating supporting reflections, you will ensure that each image conveys a sense of authenticity and depth, highlighting the appeal of your products.

– We simulate the reflection of a product on a surface to achieve a visually attractive result.

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette

background retouch

Imperfections should not tarnish the image of your products. We take care of removing any dirt or distractions from the background of your photographs to enhance the appearance of your products. At the same time, we expand the background and recreate the necessary areas so that your images are not incomplete.

We eliminate all types of imperfections.

– We clean the dirt from the background of your photographs.

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette


Symmetry is key in the presentation of a product. We meticulously adjust the measurements and proportions of the items so that your images appear in visual harmony, thus ensuring a balanced finish.

We improve the composition of your photographs.

We correct small imperfections or asymmetries that may unbalance the image.

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette
extra complex silhouette

Product integration

Immerse yourself in creativity by integrating your products in alternative environments that add distinctive value to your images. Through the integration of your products in new scenarios you will achieve hyperrealistic results in your photographs.

We insert, integrate and merge your products in new scenarios

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette
extra complex silhouette

Product reconstruction

If you want to reconstruct incomplete images, you can do it with us! We transform your product photographs, restoring and improving the details that are necessary to show each and every one of its attributes.

simple silhouette
normal silhouette
complex silhouette
extra complex silhouette

Product resizing

Exploring the dimensions of a product adds significant additional value. At, we resize your images, so that you can adapt them to various sizes and formats according to your specific needs.

We adjust the size and resolution of your photographs to adapt them to different formats.

– We maintain the proportion and final quality of the image.

simple silhouette
complex silhouette

Fit into guides

The best position of your product in the image. We place the object in the position you want and adapt it to its appropriate proportion, thus offering you an optimal visualization.

We adjust your products to specific guidelines.v

We respect the margins of the images.

We achieve a more organized and professional appearance in the final composition of the image.

normal silhouette

RAW processing

Dedicate your time to what truly matters! We develop your raw photos so you can preserve all the data and settings of your photographs. With our RAW processing we make detailed adjustments without compromising the naturalness of the image, thus guaranteeing its authenticity and visual quality.

– We make adjustments to light, color, brightness, contrast, etc., from a RAW* file.

*A RAW file is made up of uncompressed and unprocessed image data captured by a digital camera.
simple clipping
normal clipping
complex clipping

Our clipping path levels


Very basic, defined shapes or regular contours


Basic, defined shapes or with small specific irregularities


Objects with changing contours and irregular parts


Objects with complex contours, with many irregularities and gaps


Objects with very complex contours, with multiple gaps and irregularities throughout the contour.

Recreated shadow

We digitally recreate the shadow of the product on a separate layer.

For only 1,00€ / photo

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